
Things That Make You Go --- HMMMM

Front page of MSN today - This Cricket has Cajones.  YES, I clicked on it and had to read it.  Remember what I said a long time ago about withholding judgement of my postings?  That some things I post may be off the wall random or hard to handle?  Well, this is gonna be one of those posts - you've been warned, read on at your own risk!

Apparently there is a bush cricket that has a testicle to body size ratio of 14%.  The article states that if this was put into human size ratios - a 200 lb man would have balls that weighed 28lbs.  Random thoughts included - what would pants look like if that was the case for all humans?  How would one walk?  What would the other part look like then?  Proportionate? And, if so, how would us chicks have evolved to handle that?  And, how would she get around then?  I know, I know... that's just me.  Just ask me about midgets sometime, the questions I have about how they go about their daily living are plentiful-where do they buy clothes, etc.  But, I digress!

Reading further, the article states that size does not mean more "sperm"...the size makes it possible for this cricket to keep on going like the energizer bunny.  And, with good reason, too!  The article then mentions that the female of this species is a promiscuous she devil!  Most promiscous of the cricket species...so, Mother Nature is very kind to the male crickets then by giving him big ones and allowing him to keep up with a never ever fully satisfied counterpart. 

....in my next life, I am going to be a female bush cricket.... seems perfect for me to come back as a bug, that bug in particular!  And, I'm sure I'll be very happy!



Hey There Carole! said...

LOL! You always have questions regarding pants.

Unknown said...

pants are very important! we live in a society that frowns on people "porky pigging it" as Mikey used to say!

E2 said...

aren't all females promiscuous she devils? :)