
I Wanted to be Wonderwoman... What Happened to THAT Dream?

I remember watching Wonder Woman when I was little... Lynda Carter would spin really fast in place and transform into her.  I even had Wonder Woman underoos. I wanted the awesomely cool bullet deflecting wrist bands AND the invisible jet.  She was gorgeous and sexy.  She was, to me, what it meant to be a tough, no nonsense chick when I was 5 years old.

Well, I eventually outgrew my underoos, the granny panty style star undies went WAY out of style, the show went off the air and Lynda Carter got old.  I never really was one for comic books, so the dream died as quickly as it appeared.  Darn shame my parents steered me to real books and playing outside.  I can see how letting me get locked in my head and in a comic could have had disastrous results.  But, after checking out wikipedia, I'm a bit disappointed that I didn't stand firm and demand my mom buy me more comics, larger underoos and learn more about this phenomonal example of a woman...even if she is JUST a character. 

Check this out:
Wonder Woman is an Amazon (based on the Amazons of Greek mythology) and was created as a "distinctly feminist role model whose mission was to bring the Amazon ideals of love, peace, and sexual equality to a world torn by the hatred of men." Her powers include superhuman strength, flight, super-speed, super-stamina, and super-agility. She is highly proficient in hand-to-hand combat and in the art of tactical warfare. She also possesses an animal-like cunning and a natural rapport with animals, which has in the past been presented as an actual ability to communicate with the animal kingdom. She uses her Lasso of Truth, which forces those bound by it to tell the truth, a pair of indestructible bracelets, a tiara which serves as a projectile, and an invisible airplane.

So, I now have a goal...to grow up to be Wonder Woman.  Stay tuned to see how this turns out.  First things first - MUST get my fat ass back into the size 2 jeans and lose this cookie baby of a tummy!  Can't sport that AWESOMELY sexy costume in THIS body.  ;)


Hey There Carole! said...

LOL - I heart you!

E2 said...

when i was little all i wanted to be was he-man, he-man was awesome. blond hair blue eyes, Aryan uber human.

he was awesome. "Masters of the Universe". Battles. I loved being the General. The Commander. In charge. Decision Maker.

over the years I forgot about that too... Now when I think about it, while I do have a curious similarity to dead Nazis, I was born in Munich, and my Grandmother was genetically Jewish but a faithful Catholic...anwyay off point....

"Think Big and Kick Ass" --Donald Trump

Point is ... you are Wonder Woman. You look just like her in the picutre too...

get to that gym...you are what you intend...everything is pure potential....you have the most beautiful children...and your the most awesomest super hero.....Love You!!

Unknown said...

@E2...you are the best! :)