
Holiday Diet Day Two

Office mate brought in left over homemade pumpkin pie today and my little brain quickly calculated and determined that it's a vegetable, so it's good for me, so I could let myself have one little peice.  Lucky for me, all my requests to be bitch slapped for stepping out of my diet zone were taken seriously and a wonderful work friend came flying down to the kitchen just in time to see me unwrap and drool over said pie.  The alternative of sugar free hot chocolate (with extra calcium) satisfied the sweet tooth enough.

I ALMOST caved on my diet and i'm not even fully into day 2. yeah, I have ZERO will power, I know this...not even going to try to deny that fact. 

My daily walk was a speed walk to Whole Foods for lunch and back to work again.  All the yummy bakery smells, and the holiday goodness all over - chocolate, candies, the smell of cinnamon and apples.  Why did I pick NOW to decide to do this?  Seriously?
I only gotta lose 17 pounds...how hard can that be? 

Weight: note to self, in addition to pedometer, must buy a scale
Calorie/Food intake: (skipped breakfast-i know, bad move), sugar free hot cocoa, chicken caesar salad with lemons (no dressing), diet sprite, two bottles of water and one vitamin water ZERO, minestrone soup and pack of albacore tuna for snack. 
Workout: brisk walk to grocery store, pilates tonight and the FIRM

I will be Wonder Woman by Christmas!

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