
Slaying the Dragon

It took the wisdom of one amazing woman to ask me one day, "you do know Prince Charming doesn't really exist right?" which made me realize then that if I wanted out, if I wanted to be happy, it was something I had to do by myself...I had to slay the dragon.  The dragon was my fear, my insecurity, my trepidation, the power the ex had over me.  How I chose to slay the dragon would determine how I would end up later.  All actions, all thoughts, manifest in the world around us and return to us again...I couldn't fight anger with anger, I had to do the opposite...without losing sight of the end game.

Confronting fears, realizing that the decisions I need to make are some of the toughest of my life - it's not just my life I'm changing, I have two young children to think about.  Every choice, every breath I take is for the three of us. 
I have to be strong enough to push back against the judgment, the criticism, the disapproval for what it is I need to do. I have to be strong enough to stand up for myself. I have to be strong enough to comfort them when they're scared...knowing deep down, I'm just as scared as they are.  I also have to be strong enough to be by myself, I can't be afraid to be alone.  I can't be scared of vulnerability, I need to find ways to trust what is in front of me.  I have to let go of the control I so desperately seek and realize that sometimes, a little faith is all I'll need to get from one day to the next. 

What was in the past will remain in the past...who I was isn't who I am today.  Others who come into my life will not be punished for the actions of those who have hurt me.  There is great strength in forgiveness and in acts of kindness - even to those who have hurt us. 

Once I can confidently feel in my heart that I have all the strength I need to carry on and move forward, I'll know that the dragon has been slain and can't hurt me anymore.

Lent 2012 - Sacrifice, Signs, and Strength

Ash Wednesday's church service was an eye opener in many ways.  Just when I thought I knew what it was I needed to do, I was proven wrong.  And, once this reflection came about, I was feeling like I wasn't worthy of God, that I wasn't on the right path to His forgiveness...only to be shown again, that my path isn't neccessarily wrong, but I had a lot more to learn.  Then once the sermon came to a close, I had a confirmation that I'm still on the journey I started last year and I'm not anywhere close to being finished yet.

I approached Lent last year as a way to create a stronger version of myself.  My past haunted me every day, I made mistakes and bad choices and lost sight of what was important.  I attempted to take back control of my life and did what I needed to do to gain the confidence I didn't realize I'd need a few months later.

This year, I thought, I'll do it again...I'll set up similar goals - and see what happens.  Focus on being a better mom to my kids, take better care of myself, etc.  I had it all figured out.  I felt that the other approach, the whole, "I'm going to give up chocoloate for 40 days, to end up scarfing down a chocolate bunny easter morning" was so hypocritical.  Where was the true sacrifice?  Here - reward your good efforts, celebrate the resurrection of our Lord by forgetting the entire struggle of your Lenten sacrifice in one monster bite of chocolate.  I'd thought, there has to be a better way of doing this, of showing true apprecation for the sacrifice Jesus made for our sins by becoming a better version of myself...so that the impact I made on the world around me would mean more.

But, apparently, I didn't understand it as I should have.  Pastor's sermon discussed the subject of sacrifice - even touching on the approach I was taking - saying that this was too easy.  What we needed to do was find a way to disrupt our normal lives just enough so that we'd feel true appreciation and show sincere gratitude for what we missed out on during those 40 days.  Give up something MAJOR, chances are, we'd fail in a week.  Something slight, we'd have to work on it a little harder to stay on track.  So, I chose to give up Facebook...let go of that addiction to know all that everyone was doing.  I realized that I had spent more focus on the activities of people I barely knew, and not enough on the relationships that truly matter.  I was setting myself up to test those relationships.  I also realized that I was looking for affirmation of my existence through attention, again, from the wrong people.  So...I cut myself off from that world - from the endless mindless chatter.  And, after about a week - it's been tough...I feel so cut off.  What am I missing?  And, the next question is, is what I'm missing that important in the grand scheme of things?  What's important is in front of me every day...my kids, my family (including close friends).

So, the sermon came to a close in a way I least expected it.  I can't tell you exactly what was read or said before this verse, but it struck my heart and awakened my soul:  Matthew 6:21 - For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.  These same words, not neccessarily in this order, were said in a book I read last year, The Alchemist - Remember that wherever your heart is, there you will find your treasure. You've got to find the treasure, so that everything you have learned along the way can make sense."

And, with that final thought, I realized, I hadn't quite found either yet - my heart or the treasure.  I feel like I'm closer than I was a year ago - I've awakened the me that had been hidden for so long, I jumped when I needed to jump, and the net appeared...the journey has been hard, I have a ways to go...and I'll be waiting for more signs and omens showing me that the path I chose to take is indeed the path I need to follow. 


Out with the Old, In with the New - HELLLLOOOO 2012

Happy New Year!!! :) --- yeah, yeah...it's half way through February.  WhatEVER!  :)

Did I achieve my goals and resolutions for 2011?  I think so.
"Appreciate the happiness and joy in my life":  the smiles from my kids, the way Diesel would lay behind me in the kitchen, the quiet moments of solitude when they happened, having a job and people I enjoy working with daily for the past 13 years, the bonds of friendships I've had since childhood.  Yes, I did appreciate all the happiness when I took time to do so. 
"Embrace love when it comes to me":  this one was hard for me because every fiber of my being wouldn't allow me to be loved by the person who was trying to love me.  It didn't feel right on so many levels.  But, the love of my friends, my family - the ways people would show their appreciation of me, my time, my work to make this world a better place, I embraced that fully and it made me want to do more.
"Don't settle for less than I deserve":  this one I achieved 100%.  I ended a toxic marriage, I finally opened my eyes to a life without sadness, regret, anger.  I stood by my beliefs and my principles. 
"Material possessions are meaningless":  this one was part of the one above.  By believing in my heart that I can survive living a lifestyle much different from what I was used to, I could live a happier life.  I didn't need things...I needed to be able to breathe.

Remember my Epiphany star?  the LOVE star?  The goal of these stars which are randomly selected on the first day of Epiphany is to nurture, develop, find, strengthen, appreciate, give and recieve the message on the star.  I thought it was crazy that I randomly found the LOVE star...because at that point a year ago, LOVE was the last thing I was looking for, wanting to find or have anything to do with.  It had zero business in my life.  Funny how that changed in a year. 

So-- for 2012, what are my plans?  I'll continue showing gratitude for the gifts which are in my life.  I'll embrace love fully, learn to trust another with my heart and soul, help repair my children's fragile hearts as we work through a new way of life.  Find God wherever possible and share His love always.
