
A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes

(reposted from an entry in 2008)

A dream is a wish your heart makes, When you're fast asleep. In dreams you lose your heartaches, Whatever you wish for, you keep. Have faith in your dreams and someday Your rainbow will come smiling thru. No matter how your heart is grieving, If you keep on believing, the dream that you wish will come true --cinderella

I didn't think I was the girl who believed in fairy tales, but at this point, what will it hurt to dream? Now that I'm coming to the end of a relationship I had thought would last forever, I'm thinking ahead, dreaming ahead to a time when my prince will come. Now, I may be completely off my rocker, but I have some pretty high standards for this next person. And, I'm really not sure which of the list of important "MUSTS" can be compromised and negotiated. I guess when the time comes, I'll figure it out with the help of my dear friends. Believe me when I say that these dear friends will be trusted and listened to completely the next time around. I know a person exists out there that can be each of these things... and I hope my heart and mind will be open to him when he comes into my life.

My perfect man --
• will smile easily
• have a great sense of humor
• enjoy/love watching goofy comedies
• will be social and enjoy the company of friends and family
• have a beautiful smile, kind face and gentle eyes
• will not have a beard, goatee or mustache
• will have hair i can run my hands through
• will love children, learn to appreciate mine and become their friend
• will like to cook, be adventurous with food, like mushrooms, olives and artichokes, or at least humor me by trying something new now and then.
• have a positive outlook, can see the good in others
• will want to never stop kissing me
• will teach me to enjoy the things he likes and not be offended if I just don't get it
• will be open to spending time with me, doing the things I like to do
• Will be able to venture out to enjoy time on his own now and then, but then race back home
• will miss me when i'm not there
• will send flowers for no particular reason other than just because
• will plan something to celebrate my birthday without having to ask me the day of what I want to do
• will appreciate my goofy, playful side and not be embarrassed
• will be good with his hands, and able to fix things around the house
• will be able to change the oil in my car, fix a flat, repair brakes - if he can't, he'll make sure that the maintenance is being done on time
• will take care of me when i'm sick
• will help clean up the dishes after dinner
• will pitch in with chores when asked, or best yet, just do them when it looks like I need help
• will be respectful, use please and thank you, hold open doors and pull out my chair
• will have a good handle on cursing - things happen, I can curse like a man, too, but know how to turn it off
• will have faith in a power bigger than us - not neccesarily a bible thumper, but it would be nice to have someone who has no problem with helping my kids learn their scripture lessons for school or go with us to church.
• will go to museums, art galleries, the zoo for no reason other than it's something to do to pass the time and help teach the kids about a world outside their front door
• will like to travel - with kids - and not be scared that someone might have a meltdown after being stuck for 8 hours in a car or on a plane
• Can handle a child's meltdown with patience and understanding...and support me as I try to diffuse the situation.
• will learn to love my parents, through all their faults and issues, because they're a part of who I am and who I became, in spite of them
• Will look forward to hanging out with my siblings because he finds them as completely wonderful as I do
• will like to decorate for Christmas - help me put up the tree, unpack the ornaments, listen to holiday music and help lift the kids up so they can help put the star on top