
Out with the Old, In with the New - HELLLLOOOO 2012

Happy New Year!!! :) --- yeah, yeah...it's half way through February.  WhatEVER!  :)

Did I achieve my goals and resolutions for 2011?  I think so.
"Appreciate the happiness and joy in my life":  the smiles from my kids, the way Diesel would lay behind me in the kitchen, the quiet moments of solitude when they happened, having a job and people I enjoy working with daily for the past 13 years, the bonds of friendships I've had since childhood.  Yes, I did appreciate all the happiness when I took time to do so. 
"Embrace love when it comes to me":  this one was hard for me because every fiber of my being wouldn't allow me to be loved by the person who was trying to love me.  It didn't feel right on so many levels.  But, the love of my friends, my family - the ways people would show their appreciation of me, my time, my work to make this world a better place, I embraced that fully and it made me want to do more.
"Don't settle for less than I deserve":  this one I achieved 100%.  I ended a toxic marriage, I finally opened my eyes to a life without sadness, regret, anger.  I stood by my beliefs and my principles. 
"Material possessions are meaningless":  this one was part of the one above.  By believing in my heart that I can survive living a lifestyle much different from what I was used to, I could live a happier life.  I didn't need things...I needed to be able to breathe.

Remember my Epiphany star?  the LOVE star?  The goal of these stars which are randomly selected on the first day of Epiphany is to nurture, develop, find, strengthen, appreciate, give and recieve the message on the star.  I thought it was crazy that I randomly found the LOVE star...because at that point a year ago, LOVE was the last thing I was looking for, wanting to find or have anything to do with.  It had zero business in my life.  Funny how that changed in a year. 

So-- for 2012, what are my plans?  I'll continue showing gratitude for the gifts which are in my life.  I'll embrace love fully, learn to trust another with my heart and soul, help repair my children's fragile hearts as we work through a new way of life.  Find God wherever possible and share His love always.


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