
Hopeful and Cautious - What a Mix

I made a decision the other day that I was going to approach this whole "dating" thing from a completely different angle.  I wasn't going to meet someone to cure loneliness or fill a void in my heart - because, this is something only I can fix in myself in my own time.  Whatever timeline I thought I was on was thrown away.  Life happens when you're busy making plans they say, so what would I miss while trying to fit things into a neat little plan of how I wanted life to turn out? 

I'd miss the laughter of my kids, the quiet moments on the couch reading, I'd miss the way they enjoy football practice and cheerleading.  I'd miss the simple joy of my tiny kitchen - cooking, baking, and filling bellies.  I'd miss the marvel of a summer thunderstorm, the quiet way my old dog breathes when he's fast asleep on the floor next to my bed.  All those little things in my life that make me smile...all those little things I'm so grateful to be able to have every single day. 

Instead of thinking about what I'm missing - I'm thinking of what I have in front of me.  I have GREAT kids...amazing siblings, wonderful and loving friends.  I have life experiences that are mine and mine alone and how I approach situations in response to what has happened to me is entirely my choice to make.  I can be graceful, courteous, caring, empathetic...I can treat others as I want to be treated without any expectation. 

It's funny though, when you're not looking for something, how something can find you.  I'm back to trusting the intuition which led me to where I am today.  And, I'm once again hopeful for something amazing...and yet, still super cautious. 

So, here's to living life as it should be lived.  Here's to loving with an open heart.  Here's to hope and dreams and silliness.  And thank you universe for all of it - the good, bad and ugly.  :)

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