
The Dating Game - Chapter 1

I know many of you think I may possibly be rushing into the dating game WAY to fast.  I get it, you're concerned.  Some have even told me to enjoy being single and unattached for once in my life....thanks you know who for that one! 
I'm 36, and yes, that's still young by most standards, but, for me, I feel like I have a clock ticking over my head and there is a fine line between being happy with the love of my life or being that lady with the 13 cats alone in her home with no one.  I REALLY don't want to be the cat lady and I'm not entirely sure what is driving this feeling?

So, I went on my first real date in 17+ years and it was a great time- movie, dinner, hanging out.  It led to date #2, which also was a great time, which led to discussion of date #3.  I put myself out there, allowed the walls to come down and attempted to trust another person again only to be set up for a shocker situation.  Evidently, the dude is still married - he said separated, which I thought meant like my separation, but apparently, his wife wasn't let in on that tidbit.  Awesome....seriously.  There were other issues that wouldn't have led to anything more happening - homephobic, neanderthal like in his expectations of what a woman's role in the world is.  Le sigh....

Not a fan of dating so far - too stressful.  I'm an all or nothing kind of girl, which makes things totally difficult and messy.

I just want my life to be wonderful and happy....too much to ask?

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