
Moods, Weather and Random Acts

2:00 a.m. - that's when it hit me.  I haven't had a migraine come on like this in I can't remember when.  Usually I can sense it before it hits, but not this time.  It actually woke me from a dead sleep.  Then the thunder started -distant rumbling in the night, followed by rain hitting my roof, gently at first, becoming steady as the storm moved in.  Soon it was a pounding fierce rain, lightening and more thunder... yep.  Not a chance I was going to get back to sleep like that, so I just laid there and thought of all I need to do today.  Back to making lists in my head, back to not being able to shut off my mind.  Back to thinking thoughts that I've been working so hard to not think. 
This is when my mood took a dark turn.  I knew in the back of my mind that starting the day off like this would be bad - but I just didn't have it in me to make the thoughts stop.  Angry, resentful, bitter... wishing so hard for the day that I could stop feeling this way.
The alarm went off way too soon - so I just kept hitting snooze until I couldn't do it anymore.  Finally drug my ass out of bed, woke up the monkeys and got the day started officially.  As usual, we ran around like chickens with our heads cut off, but yet organized at the same time- clothes laid out, breakfast started, as they eat, i pack their lunches, get myself ready, brush our teeth, then we're out the door. 
Right before we walked out, I checked my phone.  Never really sure why I always check it...just a habit, sometimes just wishing that I'd have some random "i love you" sent to me by that someone who probably doesn't feel that way anymore.  Nearly every time, I find nothing there... until today.  A very random, "thinking of you" text attached to a beautiful morning sunrise photo from one of my dearest friends whom I haven't talked to in I don't know how long anymore.  Instantly made me smile.  Immediately blew the dark cloud away and made things better.
The rain has stopped, the clouds have parted...the sun is shining.  Freakish coincidence?  Perhaps... but, I'll cherish it all the same!  He and I were always two peas in a pod...

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