
My daughter, my love, my heart

The day I found out I was having a little girl, I panicked...full blown panicked.  What kind of mom would I be to her?  Did I have what it took to raise her into a strong minded, confident lady?  What kind of girl would she become?  Would she love pink?  Or be a tomboy?  Would she adore me or hate me? 
I love my mom...but my mom wasn't THAT mom... you know?  The mom who french braids hair, has mommy daughter days at the spa, loves shopping and talking about boys.  nope, my mom was different.  She taught me to read, write, and appreciate literature.  She took me to nursing school with her and developed my love for anatomy.  Her personal demons led her to do just enough mothering to get by.  Her lack of mothering taught me to become a mom long before I had kids of my own.

So, what kind of daughter did I end up with?  What kind of mom will I have to be to handle this little princess?

My little one--my beautiful wavy blonde hair, blue eyed "cindy lou who"... She's amazing.  One part of her is tough as nails.  She does not back down from a fight even when she's DEAD wrong.  I appreciate that strength of character more than she will ever realize, though I will fight her to the death to prove that I am still the reigning queen in our house.  :) All these things about her, she possessed from the moment she came into this world.  She knew at a very young age what she liked and didn't like - and did not for one moment adapt into a passive personality.  As a newborn, she was determined.  As a nearly 5 years old little girl, she still has a determination about her.  She pushes my buttons just enough to get the reaction she wants out of me and turns soft as butter with love and tenderness, hugs and kisses. 

she's taught me about myself...that I do have a powerful strength within me blended with a crazy sense of patience.  That I have it within me to push back, to take control and be firm and never compromise on what is right.  What she has taught me is that I can endure all things presented to me in this life...and I must overcome the challenges for her, for her brother and for me. 

God bless the day she came into my life...

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