
I need to believe love can last

I strongly believe in fidelity - loyalty in a relationship is the end all be all.  Being true and remaining true is what gives the relationship the security it needs to grow and endure all the trials along the way.  If you know me, you know I'm a HUGE fan of security.  I need to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the other person is there and staying there to really feel comfortable enough to let down my guard. 

But, with all I've been through, I'm left wondering now, what does it all really mean?  Something happened somewhere that has marriages and relationships ending, fewer people seem to care about working things out, helping the other half reach their goals and dreams to truly navigate the "better or worse".  And, being faithful...what's up with that?  That scares the hell out of me that people are so easily ready to throw it away for something that doesn't pan out anyway.  All because the sparkly, new and shiny feelings have gone away and they mistake it for a "lull" or a lack of love. 

I took the promise of forever for granted once before.  By the time I entered marriage, the new and shiny had already moved to comfortable.  Comfortable turned to complacency, which then led us to finding other things to fill the emotional void...which in hindsight may have always been there, silently waiting for the right time to grow into resentment and anger.  So, I'm hypersensitive to it now. 

What I don't want to happen is to be taken for granted again - so, what can a person do to keep that from happening again?  

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