
All I Want For Christmas is a Stripper Pole

Tis the Season folks!  Christmas is right around the corner, plans are being made and my poor fat ass is panicking over the prospect of me baking MORE cookies, cakes and pies this season once Thanksgiving wraps up in a couple weeks.  I never actually fixed the damage that last season rendered on my poor teeny body and nothing good is gonna come of this season either.  Good point to mention though is that I'm not nearly the head case I was last year over the holidays so perhaps I won't feel it neccessary to hoover an entire batch of cookies in one lonely night!...notice how I said, "perhaps"...we all know that means, "not likely" and I might as well get the size 6 pants ordered for after new years.

The monkeys are busy tossing around their "wants" for Christmas and each time, I have to mention that Santa is following mommy's new "3 gifts" max rule.  Baby Jesus, our Lord Savior, King of Kings (really making sure I use their christian education to my advantage here) recieved only 3 gifts, so why on earth would we expect to have more than Him? I think I ALMOST have them convinced that this is a good idea.  Let's see how Christmas morning pans out!  On top of that, I'm asking them to use some of their hard earned and saved money to purchase a toy for the Toys for Tots drive...as a way to help others less fortunate.  Christmas isn't always about "things" and "he who dies with the most toys" is dead...period.  Can't take any of it with you and if you have excess while others have nothing, that's just not right.

The holidays for me and the kiddos is and always will be about family, friends and making memories- ice skating, decorating the tree, making cards, cookies, ornaments, finding a living nativity scene, and maybe taking a ride on the Polar Express.  It's being grateful for each other, grateful for what we have.  It's about opening our homes to those without family for the season and sharing traditions with each other. 

.......now, I know you're glancing back up at the title of this post and wondering, "What about the stripper pole?  What's up with that?? Is she getting one?"  Shame on you for thinking it and to those related to me, I hope you threw up a little in your mouth with that thought!  No, I have not asked Santa for a stripper pole...............this year anyway.  Kind of a waste right now.  What I've added to my list is as follows:

1.) Hans Jorg Butt jersey (Bayern Munich goalie) - because he's an awesome leader for his team and I will get a sick satisfaction of walking around with a shirt that says "butt".
2.) Waffle maker - friend of mine sent me a GREAT recipe for brown sugar maple bacon waffles.  I just gotta try to make these things!
3.) Big girl camera - my little "elf" or whatever just doesn't cut it all the time.  I have some damn cute kids who do amazingly awesome things that are missed because the stupid camera takes too long to take the shot!
4.) New computer - i really want my own computer at home with all the bells and whistles. 

I'm sure I'll think of more things I just can't live without before Christmas, but for now, I think this is it!  :) I know I can only get 3 of the 4, per the baby jesus rule... and 3 out of 4 ain't all that bad!


Hey There Carole! said...

I would have still asked for the stripper pole... You could call it a fireman pole.

Unknown said...

but, I have no one to play with... so, not so fun by myself! :)