So, to my wonderful life long friends, I leave you with these memories of mine and look forward to what you might also remember about me along the way. I love you guys so much!
- bicycle rodeo in perlacher forest
- two for flinching
- girlscout meetings
- skipping school to go to burger king
- throwing pebbles at your window every morning during the summer
- dentist visits to fix teeth chipped by crazy "volleyball" accidents
- when chopping lettuce with a food processor, it works better to remove chopped lettuce before adding more. can't imagine why mushy lettuce wasn't a hit that night
- learning how to smuggle alcohol onto a school picnic function- if it's in a water bottle, and it's clear, it HAS to be water, right?
- learning how to drive a stick in the church parking lot and learning how to avoid brick walls all in one night
- Dairy Queen visits - had NO clue we were THAT close to Richmond
- Repellers!!!!!
- homecoming after being dumped - thank you for letting me borrow your boyfriend so I didn't have to go alone
- paying off DJ at same dance so I didn't have to hear a song played since it was THE lovesong of the year
- always having a date for movies, dinner and prom at a moment's notice
- bonfire parties that involved saving my poor dog from the flames (the dog house was NOT firewood)
- sappy love stories from Blockbuster and pumpkin pie nights
- Denny's study nights and paying for coffee in pennies
- playing rummy when the power cut out at the mall and we were locked in the store
- sneaking out and popping the clutch to drive around town in the middle of the night
- night swimming and fence climbing
- driving all over VA to hunt down loser cheating boyfriend
- sitting in parked car for hours because someone was being a stubborn ass and wouldn't fasten his seat belt
- theater class and play rehearsals
- curling your hair before the big away football game so you'd be the prettiest one on the pom team-you have a lot of hair you know!
- wedding planning
- wanting to attack priest for threatening to not allow you to be married and you having to dismiss me to the car before I made it worse
- marriage on the beach at sunrise, in October, in RennFest costume... SOOO cold but beautiful
- baby showers, natural child birth classes that just didn't work out and babies
- football parties
- Wednesday wine nights
Oh man, there are soooooo many that I'd forgotten.
Having the car parked up on the ramp graduation night.
Or riding with me in the middle of January ice storms to get a bestseller author from the airport. We were late, all because I mixed up Manassas and Tyson's Corner. Thank god she had a sense of humor.
Lol, the year your mother turned to us and said stop doing everything the same because we'd both gotten married one after the other, both were each other's maid of honor, both both pregnant and both had sons. I'm still waiting on my daughter though.
Sneaking me food at the hospital because I was *starving* and they wouldn't let me eat solids. Bless you!
Water gun fights with cheap 10 cents guns and being outgunned by the boys and soaked.
Sobbing under a blanket at the movies because Mrs. Doubtfire was the saddest damn movie ever when you're already down. Didn't we skip a class to see that to cheer ourselves up?
*Hugs* I love you sis.
How about the same night as the gunfight, being pulled over for speeding and having issues with finding your registration in the glove box because you were trying to hide a VERY big knife :)
kings dominion and the ride home from hell
stealing roses
Losing a bridge... getting home via 95, Richmond and Route 301.
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