Every now and then, something happens that makes me believe in the laws of attraction. I'll forget for a little while...going about my day to day life, not paying any attention to the energy I'm giving off, to the thoughts manifesting in my mind, to the wishes, the dreams, the signs that are around all the time.
For years, I was unhappy in my relationship...YEARS!!! I buried the feelings so deep and gave every attempt to make myself happy in the situation I was in. I felt so strongly that I could make it work, I could easily jam a square peg in a round hole. There is a line in Jerry Maguire that would echo through my head, "I can make this work". And, over and over people would tell me, that relationships are work, marriage requires work. So, to me, all this struggle was normal. It was supposed to be like that...no one is 100% happy in a marriage. No one is a perfect fit for another person. It just doesn't work that way...or does it?
All I wanted out of my ex-husband, I've discovered in another without really looking for it. I found someone comfortable with showing love, hand holding, kisses and kindness. He's embraced my family, cares about my children, isn't threatened by friendships I've had since childhood. I have no idea what the future holds, but I'm certain that every day, I'll be grateful to have had him walk into my life at just the perfect moment. I'll thank God for the second chance at happiness and I'll continue to keep my heart open for all the possibilities.