My friends and I have shared conversations over the recent months regarding the subject of Prince Charming.
As young girls, we're raised on fairy tales. We're taught through our bed time stories and Disney movies that Prince Charming is this devestatingly handsome young man on a striking and shiny horse. He has impeccable timing - see all the stories of how he just shows up at the right moment in time - to wake a sleeping beauty, or rescue a princess from a tower guarded by fire breathing dragons. These stories tell us to shy away from the people in dark cloaks, with warts and hunchbacks...they're the bad ones, the evil ones and all around horrible things happen when we try to be nice to them.
Good man versus Evil bad man - easy to spot, right? Now, as I read recently from another chick like me in cyber world, it's not really like this in real life is it? The good guys are not easy to spot, and the ones who are often bad for you are way too charming for their own good, right? We get caught with the wrong ones because of the charm, the attention, the sparkle in the eye, the devestating smile.
So, how do you bump into Prince Charming or be lucky enough to be found by him if you're a lonely trapped Princess or peasant girl? Seriously? I am starting to believe Prince Charming does not, if he does exist, or if you, reader, believe I am poorly mistaken and blinded by my bitterness towards "true love", please prove to me he's real. Give me examples of him in your lives or the lives of others. Make me believe the fairy tale again. I had thought I was so close to believing at one point just a year or so ago, but the dream may be gone now.
Perhaps you need to find a man that you can believe in and NOT try to find a make-believe man. I believe, like most things in life, it is what you make it to be. However, with love it does take two to make it be... Here's to you finding YOUR guy! :-)
I had thought I found one I could believe in... not sure if he believed in himself enough and I guess I couldn't quite help him as I struggled, you know?
I honestly think I have found my prince charming. I've found a man who connects with me on nearly every plane. The only ones he doesn't connect are the ones I keep below his radar or above his head. He is wonderful because he knows of these planes and never tries to step onto them. Just acknowledges there existence and supports them with his eager-to-accept-responsibility shoulders.
He is kind, charming and funny. He is the only person I've ever met that can take a black day and shine a light on it just by making a random critter noise (chipmunk saying "OOHrah" is my favorite). He is always ready with a hug. He is always willing to listen, and at the moments when I don't want to speak, he is there to just be another person in the room, so I'm not living in darkness by myself.
He thinks I'm wonderful and perfect in everyway. Even with things I find awful about myself, such as smoking, he thinks are absolutely perfect aspects of my personality. "If that's what makes you happy..." is his favorite mantra.
He allows me to be myself at every minute of everyday. When I'm a serious adult Marine who needs to take care of important stuff and can't waste a second on anything juvenile, he is ready to help me don my suit of armor. When I am in a hyper mood and just want to be a kid for a little bit, he is there with a pack of Magic cards or waiting to quest with me on World of Warcraft.
He is handsome. Oh so handsome. From his boyish smile, a dimple-and-a-half, to his manly chest full of hair, he is my statuesque Jordancles. He makes me forget about Johnny Depp (because at times he looks just like him) and makes me think that Francois Sagat is just another porno-whore.
He loves my family and is in awe of how we work. He wants so badly to be part of my family, despite their many twists, that he urges me to say hi for him on the phone. His family has accepted me quickly and without question.
I have found my Prince Charming, so I know they exist. You'll find your eventually. I'm sure of it.
Wow...I gave up searching for a Prince Charming, and have rewritten history in my head so many times. The "if I had only said this, or done that" I could have changed my whole destiny. But...then I wouldn't have the five most beautiful, wonderful children anyone could ask for. They would have been someone else, and maybe not so perfect.
The movies about going back in time and tweaking it just a bit to make it better now "for me" would mean these wonderful people would not be here. Scary, awful thought. Which means I need to focus and accept that things are the way they are for a purpose.
But the being able to shut my eyes and imagine the way it might have been is a pleasant escape...temporarily. It just has to be a very nice way to fall asleep and not a hope or dream.
I have been down the similar path as you and was actually rescued by my prince charming. He didn't ride in on a white horse or find my glass slipper. He is magically wonderful to me, my best friend and I found that true love does exist. However, as great as a relationship/love is, it isn't Mecca! Love is a truly beautiful thing, its what we all search for but being in a loving relationship with another man is not the ultimate fulfillment, I always thought it would be. What I mean is this, that empty void that exists and you desperately want someone else to fill it, they won't because they can't, not even prince charming. You can have all of life's luxuries, prince charming, wonderful kids, but if you don't have a relationship with God, you will never be filled up. to quote donald miller "there are places in our lives that only God can go".
I always thought that if the perfect man came along and swept me off of my feet, which he did, that would be all I'd ever need. But it wasn't. There was still something missing, and that was God.
So while you are searching for that perfect man that makes your heart go pitter patter, perhaps there is something bigger for you to search for, something that will last an eternity. :)
Just my thoughts...
I am the prince charming to suzanna.
@ E2 - I would hope you are, as you and your brothers have embraced all that I find wonderful about true men! Your nephew is so much like you guys, it's crazy and amazing. :)
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