
There Was a Shift in My Universe

Every now and then, the universe steps in, makes an executive decision, and forces us to take a right when we were absolutely sure we'd be taking a left. This is one of those times, and as sensitive as you are, you'll realize it as soon as you open your eyes this morning. So when you end up someplace you weren't supposed to be anywhere near, chatting with someone you feel an immediate affinity toward, you'll get it. You were supposed to meet. *Washington Post Horoscope*

Today started out differently than other days - for one thing, I decided that I would become a coffee drinker. Not just one of those "every now and then, when I happen to be near Starbucks" drinkers, but one of those, "I own a coffee machine and I will have a fresh cup brewing when I wake up" drinkers.  First reaction at 6 a.m.?  Need to buy REAL coffee maker which is programmed to brew.  I  hate waking up in the morning and doing ANY activity that doesn't involve standing under a hot shower and letting the water hit the top of my head while I struggle to actually wake up. I don't even like when the dog BEGS me to let him out right when he wants to go out, so now I've just added "making coffee" to my so called "morning routine".  Wasn't sure as I struggled out of bed if I had made the right decision.
But, waking up and brewing a pot of coffee allowed me to get the dog out sooner rather than later.  While I was in the kitchen so I made lunches BEFORE making breakfast.  I unloaded the dishes and reloaded it again, let the dog in, and experienced a morning shower of which I was actually awake for the first 2 minutes.  Shocker how that felt.... just plain weird!  But, as weird as it was, I could get used to it.   The kids woke up and I was ready for the onslaught of random topics of conversation from my son and for battling the snuggle bug who is my daughter (she's REALLY good at luring me back to sleep).  It ended up being the first morning in a LONG time that didn't feel full of stress and rushing around...and mind you, I was saving the coffee for the ride into work and wasn't hopped up on early a.m. caffeine. ;)
So, here I am, after lunch and just feeling differently.  It honestly feels like the universe shifted.  I am seeing and feeling things differently than I was on Friday.  Now, about this last part of my horoscope... I had thought I was meant to meet someone before when I met him.  Fate has been cruel to me lately, so we'll see how it turns out going forward now that my universe has shifted.


Marguerite Labbe said...

*Snuggles* Sounds like an excellent shift.

Anonymous said...

You're becoming on of us morning people! Welcome to the light side! You are Jedi!

Anonymous said...

Circumstances and life will always change every 30, 60 and 90 days. Keep that in mind.