
bad dreams

I had this bad dream the other night - I dropped my kids off to a new school and walked my son to his new class room. He found an open desk, put away his stuff and sat down, but I couldn't leave him in the room. I had this overwhelming feeling that I made a mistake, and I removed him from his safe school he had always known and tossed him into a new environment that was cold, dismal, disorganized and scary.

Reason I describe it as that is because there was a noticeable lack of color in the classroom, it was very dark and gray; it was overcast and cold outside. The window in the room was opaque, so you couldn't see outside. The desks were scattered all over the room, some were in a circle, others arranged outside the circle. Another part of my dream that stands out is that he chose an empty desk in the circle, but when other kids came in, they edged him out of the circle.

What the heck am I supposed to make of that?? Not that I need something else to worry about these days, you know?

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