Yesterday a mother died - cancer finally conquered her physical body. Elizabeth Edwards was a remarkable woman.
I was awestruck at her ability to forgive her husband for his wandering ways. I don't know if I have it in me to offer that level of compassion to another person who has damaged my trust in them. I know you must think I'm the biggest hyprocrite for thinking this way, but really, I wouldn't expect forgiveness for my indescretions or even ask for it. Why would I ask someone whom I have shattered for forgiveness when it's clearly meant to make me feel better? But, Elizabeth did it. She swallowed her anger and did a very noble thing by showing her husband he would feel like less of an ass when he had nothing to offer her to make her feel better, and she showed it again when his love child came into her life. May I keep this in my heart for the future as something that is very powerful to possess - the ability to forgive.
She shielded her children from her anger and disappointment and raised them to look up to their father in a positive light. That to me is inspirational and a lesson I will also keep in mind - that no matter how angry I am at the father of my children, I need to remember that to them, he is everything. Words are damaging and it's not hurting him if I bad mouth him, it hurts my credibility with them. I don't want to become that bitter person in their lives and lose their trust.
In all things that happened to her, she maintained a positive spirit for those around her. She was a beacon of hope for those who battle cancer, an inspiration to parents who have lost children, and a testament to the act of forgiveness for those whose hearts have been broken and trust severed.
Rest in Peace touched many people in your life here on earth.
"But I have found that in the simple act of living with hope, and in the daily effort to have a positive impact in the world, the days I do have are made all the more meaningful and precious. And for that I am grateful" Elizabeth Edwards